Friday, May 13, 2011
The Rubarb Is Ready
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A Little Bit Of Spring
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Rylee Is 10
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sharing A Friends New Blog
Friday, March 4, 2011
Coupon Queen
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Nora Is One!
I can not believe it has already been a year since we were blessed with are beautiful, little Girl, Nora. I keep thinking back to how before I was pregnant with her we thought our family was complete with our other 3 beautiful, perfect children and then low and behold God had a different plan and blessed us with Nora! I can't image our family without her and I am so thankful for how blessed we are. Now, I am not going to say our family is complete because that is not my decision to make although if you ask Steve he still thinks we have some control over this?? I am also not saying that we are going to have more because me just saying that would put my husband into a huge defensive panic. All I can say is I can see why my sister has 7 kids . I think with each child it gets easier and by #4 I feel as though we have things figured out for now. New things come up constantly and we deal with it and learn new ways to be better parents, but I love the excitement. Steve always reminds me that regardless of how many kids we have they do all eventually grow up. I is just so hard to think this the last baby and she will eventually be in school and I will be all by myself. Then what do I do?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Finished Product
Monday, January 24, 2011
My Day
Recently a good friend asked me to write out what I do in a day to helped stay organized in effort to help her get some ideas to go about her day and accomplish all that needs to be done. So I though I would share My Day:
To start my day I go and make all the beds. Sometimes I get in there while the kids are eating or getting ready for school. While in each room I put dirty cloths in the hamper. The girls should do both of these but that doesn’t always happen. I also straighten things up since 2 of the 3 rooms should stay kid free for most of the day.
Also in the morning after the kids and I are all done in the bathroom. I wipe down the sink and toilet with Clorox wipes (these are my best friends). I have them under every sink.
I try to do dishes after every meal just to keep the counter cleaned off since I don’t have very much of it to start with. I also try to sweep after at least 2 meals because I can’t stand having things stick to my feet when I walk through the room. Sometimes it is not as needed.
I vacuum and sweep floors every few days depending on the dog hair. I usually do this mid morning.
I try to get toys picked up before naptime so I can enjoy the peace in a cleaned up house. I also do this or have the kids do it before bed. I also find that is I keep up on it throughout the day its not such a huge task later and we all know that once they play with it for more then 20 minutes they are board and onto the next thing.
As for laundry, I will wash it throughout an evening and into the next day and then fold it all at once and immediately put it all away otherwise I don’t have the motivation to deal with it, then it is so frustrating when I finally get it put away and realize I have to start all over again because the hampers are full.
I guess my biggest thing is I don’t like clutter so if I keep up on things it’s less likely to build up. I am also a little O.C. and a messy, cluttered house completely stresses me out and I have a hard time functioning and knowing where to start.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Le' French Toast
This morning for breakfast I did my best at creating the best french toast from one of my favorite restaurants, Plum Hill Cafe. Here is the recipe for my version of:
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
"Surprise" I'm still here!
I'm back! I've decided I miss writing even if no one reads this, it still feels good to look back at my day or week and let my mind wander beyond the next daily task. Or maybe I feel like this is my only way of communicating with someone who is older than 9. Now since Steve is working out of town and only comes home on the weekends my communication with adults is even more limited. I will now be that annoying woman in the checkout line at the grocery store who tells her entire life story to the cashier because she is so lonely and is happy to have someone to listen to her. Okay, that is really sad, but true.