Monday, January 24, 2011

My Day

Recently a good friend asked me to write out what I do in a day to helped stay organized in effort to help her get some ideas to go about her day and accomplish all that needs to be done. So I though I would share My Day:

To start my day I go and make all the beds. Sometimes I get in there while the kids are eating or getting ready for school. While in each room I put dirty cloths in the hamper. The girls should do both of these but that doesn’t always happen. I also straighten things up since 2 of the 3 rooms should stay kid free for most of the day.

Also in the morning after the kids and I are all done in the bathroom. I wipe down the sink and toilet with Clorox wipes (these are my best friends). I have them under every sink.

I try to do dishes after every meal just to keep the counter cleaned off since I don’t have very much of it to start with. I also try to sweep after at least 2 meals because I can’t stand having things stick to my feet when I walk through the room. Sometimes it is not as needed.

I vacuum and sweep floors every few days depending on the dog hair. I usually do this mid morning.

I try to get toys picked up before naptime so I can enjoy the peace in a cleaned up house. I also do this or have the kids do it before bed. I also find that is I keep up on it throughout the day its not such a huge task later and we all know that once they play with it for more then 20 minutes they are board and onto the next thing.

As for laundry, I will wash it throughout an evening and into the next day and then fold it all at once and immediately put it all away otherwise I don’t have the motivation to deal with it, then it is so frustrating when I finally get it put away and realize I have to start all over again because the hampers are full.

I guess my biggest thing is I don’t like clutter so if I keep up on things it’s less likely to build up. I am also a little O.C. and a messy, cluttered house completely stresses me out and I have a hard time functioning and knowing where to start.

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