Monday, May 11, 2009

A Solution To Our Problem ( We Hope)

The last few days have been very difficult with the girls.  To say it nicely to wasn't the best weekend or Mother's Day.  Lots of disobeying, arguing and the use of bad words.  Now when I say bad words I don't mean they are cursing but the constant use of words that are associated with things you do in the bathroom.  I don't understand These are girls!! they aren't suppose to talk like that.  For instance, here are some of the frequent words and name calling our girls use, which then gets repeated by Gray:  Poop-Head, Fart-Butt, Diarrhea-Head, Stupid, Idiot, Diaper-Head, Crack-head ( oh yeah she call me that one!)  and Dingle-Berry.  Just so you all know Steve and I don't go around talking like this so I don't know where they get it from.  So anyway Steve and I figures it is time this stops.  So this is what we came up with.  Each week the girls have the potential to earn $2.  We put $2 worth of nickles in a jar with their names on them.  Each time they say a dirty word or a mean word we take a nickel out and put it in "Mommies Jar"  So the likelihood of them getting the $2 a week is pretty slim, at least till they get use to it.  We will see how it works, we just hope they don't run out of nickels by mid-week. Haven already lost one this morning for calling me a butt head while I was combing her hair. She seemed very disappointed that she lost a nickel so I think this might work.  

By  the time the kids went to bed tonight Haven lost 12 nickels and Rylee 0.  You can see where the problem started.  There is something with kindergartners!  At one point tonight after Haven lost a nickel she told Steve that she "doesn't want to play this game anymore".   At dinner tonight Haven asked Steve, "if Mommy says a bad word does she put a nickel in my jar?"  I think there may be some confusion since there is a jar with my name on it.  This should all be interesting, I will keep you posted.

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