Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nora Is One!

Happy Birthday Nora

I can not believe it has already been a year since we were blessed with are beautiful, little Girl, Nora. I keep thinking back to how before I was pregnant with her we thought our family was complete with our other 3 beautiful, perfect children and then low and behold God had a different plan and blessed us with Nora! I can't image our family without her and I am so thankful for how blessed we are. Now, I am not going to say our family is complete because that is not my decision to make although if you ask Steve he still thinks we have some control over this?? I am also not saying that we are going to have more because me just saying that would put my husband into a huge defensive panic. All I can say is I can see why my sister has 7 kids . I think with each child it gets easier and by #4 I feel as though we have things figured out for now. New things come up constantly and we deal with it and learn new ways to be better parents, but I love the excitement. Steve always reminds me that regardless of how many kids we have they do all eventually grow up. I is just so hard to think this the last baby and she will eventually be in school and I will be all by myself. Then what do I do?

So for now I will just love on my Baby Nora and enjoy every snuggle she gives my while we are both lathered up in baby lotion so I will always remember that smell